The third layer, and the focus of this post, is creating a space for learning. Other blog posts discuss the other layers that include image of the child, time, materials, listening, documenting and planning.
What My Kindergarten Classroom Says About Me
At that time, I thought that my classroom should be a reflection of me, and I decorated it with the things that I love.
Yet, recently, I’ve begun to realize, that my learning space should really be a reflection of the children that live there.
What I want my classroom to say about me now, is that I value children and their thoughts and ideas, not that I like chevron or that I’m into owls (which I am!).
The Kindergarten Classroom Transformation
Over the last couple of years, this change in mindset has led me to transition from bright primary colors to more neutral, earthy tones.
Here is a pic of the science center before school started in 2014.
But now, my intentions go deeper. I strive to create a simpler space, with a neutral palette, that will make room for children’s work and allow it to take center stage.
Commercially-made print and graphics are kept to a miniumu, leaving less to compete with children’s art work and ideas.
This means the classroom might look pretty plain in September, but by December, it will be clear to anyone who enters who the children are that live and work there!
Your Classroom Learning Space
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Let’s test the comment system. I’m placing in a comment, then you reply. Hopefully I will get it, like I”m supposed to.
Thanks for checking this for me.
Let’s try this again using a plugin. And here is more text just to fill up the form for testing.
lets see how it goes!
I’M OLD, lol I can’t remember if we decided it worked.. so let’s do this again.. Sorry, LOL
Me too! Let me know if you get this!