Inside: Try this end of year countdown to enjoy those last 10 days of school with your kiddos.
The Need for a Flexible End of Year Countdown
Once May hits, I find myself doing double duty preparing for the arrival of next year’s kindergarteners, while still trying to wrap up loose ends with the current group.
Sound familiar?
Yet, it’s always important to me that our last days together be meaningful and marked with special memories as I send my kiddos off to summer and eventually the next grade.
So I needed something simple and flexible, knowing there would be many end of year, school-wide events competing for our time!
Enter the Kindergarten Countdown!
I created this end of year countdown using a “sliding scale” of activities that work well no matter how much time we have (or don’t have!) each day.
Here’s how you can make this work for you:
Create Your Own End of Year Countdown
Step 1: Get Organized
Gather 10 small gift bags (Dollar Tree sells them in a 3-pack) and label them with your countdown numbers.
Step 2: Create Themed Days and Activity Circles

Step 3: Add in Some Extras (Optional Step!)

Step 4: Display Your End of Year Countdown PLUS Balloon Pop
Step 5: Let the Countdown Fun Begin!
As each day arrives, just remove the bag and let kids take turns pulling out the activity circles throughout the day. If you have extra time, use the additional activities found on the sheets. If not, that’s okay too! And then, end your day with a much anticipated balloon pop!
Create a Countdown Calendar
You can also send home a Countdown Calendar to let families know about your end of year fun!

End of Year Countdown – It’s in the Bag!

For more End of Year Fun check out: