Inside: Find out how to choose a one-word resolution that can help you focus your time and energy to make desired changes that leave you relaxed and ready for your new school year.
The Do-Over
The first year I taught kindergarten, I wasn’t very good at it. I overestimated what that age group could do and had difficulty managing behaviors. At the end of the year, I wanted a do-over. I wanted the chance to apply all that I had learned to a new group of kids.
Luckily, teachers get that chance every single year. But a do-over implies that we will do something different and this is where it can get tricky. Heading into summer, our brains are spinning with all the things we want to learn, try, do, read, buy, etc. and we have difficulty deciding where to focus our energy. Sound familiar?

But Oprah can help. She says:
You can have it all. Just not all at once.
This helps us think more long term. We can focus on one thing this summer, one thing next summer, etc. But what is that “one thing” and how do we choose?
The One Word Resolution Strategy
Here’s a strategy that has worked for me. It is inspired by the book, One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon, Jimmy Page, and Dan Britton.
Just follow these steps:
- Visualize the teacher you want to be when you walk into your classroom on the first day of school. Imagine what you look, sound, and feel like.
- Brainstorm a list of words that describe you. Maybe you listed words like organized, efficient, engaging, fun, patient, or kind.
- Choose one word from that list. Yes, just one!
- Make a list of things you will do this summer that will help you live out that word in the new school year.

The word you choose becomes your focus for the new year. It will guide you in the days ahead and help you make decisions about what you want to spend time on this summer. Put it in a place where you will see it regularly such as your desk, bulletin board, or planning binder. You can even fancy it up (or not) using fonts, Flair pens, or your favorite label maker – whatever suits your style!
My One Word Resolution
Here’s an example using my “one word” for the next school year. I chose “responsive,” because I want to be more open to the thoughts and ideas of my students. Here is my list of things that I can do this summer to bring me closer to living that word.
- Read professional books on implementing a child-centered approach
- Tweak instructional routines to include more room for children to share their thoughts
- Prepare materials for open-ended centers
- Create a list of questions to ask children while working at centers
- Create a reflection journal to record children’s thoughts and ideas
- Build reflection/planning time into my day
A few years ago, my word was contentment. You can read more about my journey with that word in a post titled, The One Thing You Should Tell Yourself to Find Contentment as a Teacher.
Sticking to Your One Word
Use your one word resolution to keep you from going down rabbit holes inspired by social media. Keep telling yourself that you can have it all, just not THIS summer. Share your one word with friends and family to let them know your summer pd focus. This way they will understand when you decline things unrelated to your one word and will send stuff your way that is a great fit.
And if you are a have your cake and eat it too kind of person like me, you are probably struggling to let go of all the things you want to do. You might even be telling yourself, “I’ve got this! I can do it all!”
If that sounds like you, do me a favor. Think back to the start of last school year. If you felt focused and recharged with clear-cut goals in mind, then you do have this! But if that is not the case, try scaling back a bit and choosing just one word. And give yourself grace for the things you didn’t do. It’ll be there next summer! I promise.
Let’s Do This!
So what are you waiting for? Get started choosing that one word resolution. You might even throw a “one-word party” and invite a bunch of teacher friends to get craftsy with you as each decorate a rock, sign, or folder with your new word. Throughout the year, support each other in sticking to that focus by sharing books, ideas, online courses or articles that relate to your words. Gather together again at the end of the school year to share your one word journey and learn from one another.
You can find a One-Word printable, along with a link to a list of words inside this FREE Teacher Reflection Toolkit.

For more tips on teacher self-care and professional growth, check out the Growing as an Educator page in the Roots & Wings Resource Library.
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