The first character strength introduced with the Positivity Project is curiosity. This was a great one to begin the year because it provided opportunities for us to explore children’s interests and model a curious disposition (I wonder…) from the get go!
While “wondering aloud” can be done with any read aloud, here are some of the books we shared to explore characters who exhibit this strength.
We asked the children what they were curious about and attached it to their self-portraits using talk bubbles. These were displayed at open house for parents to enjoy!
I kept a list of these “curiosities” and will try to incorporate as many as possible into our project work and curricular units.
To spark their curiosity, I placed this fossil in the nature center as our first Mystery Object without any introduction. There has been lots of wondering about what it is and where it came from (found it in the closet in my first ever classroom and have been curious about it ever since!).
I’ve also set up a wonder window and wonder wall, but have yet to introduce them.
Our beginning work with curiosity will set the stage for these in later days. That is the great thing about the Positivity Project vocabulary, once introduced it becomes part of your classroom language and living!
Thanks for stopping by!