Chapter 6
In This Chapter
In curious classrooms, children learn how to be researchers! A big part of this process is knowing how to find and use appropriate resources. Field experts, an often forgotten resource, provide first-hand opportunities for children to find answers to their questions and further their knowledge in a specific area. Author Harvey Daniels says, “By getting face time with experts, students learn authentic and reliable information, and also witness what passionate and sustained devotion to a speciality look like.”
What I’ve Tried
A local meteorologist visited during a study of weather and shared his tornado in a bottle.
What I’d Like to Try
Since I’ve yet to meet a class that doesn’t fall deeply in love with Elephant and Piggy, I dug up a few Mo Willems videos from Youtube:
Daniels points out that many adults are more than happy to volunteer their time when it comes to working with children. He says, “The more you seek out experts, the more opportunities you’ll find for working with them – and you can collaborate with teachers around the building to find the experts you need.”
What experts have you invited into your classroom? How do you see yourself incorporating this resource into future inquiries?
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