Next week, I will be heading to school to set up my classroom, so I’ve been looking at pictures of learning spaces to inspire me. Included in these are some photos I took last summer on a school visit to observe an incoming student.
I am grateful to Maripat Murphy, one of the teachers at this school, who gave me permission to share photos from her “Waterfall Room” (all the classrooms have nature-themed names).
It was an inspiring morning, as I observed children visiting these inviting areas and exploring engaging materials.
What inspired you about this space? Any ideas you will take back to your own classroom?
Thanks for stopping by!

I have just discovered your blog – love your observations and insights. I am also a kindergarten teacher, enjoying the journey and transformation of this rich programme. I'd love to see photos of your classroom (before & afters) as you head back to school and prep for the year ahead.