To begin, the art teacher explored the process of mark making with the kindergartners and showed the children samples of various brushes.
They then used these brushes to make marks and explore how the amount of paint and the features of the brush affect their art.
Back in the classroom, we asked children to think about designing a brush that would first of all, function well, and secondly, make the kinds of marks they were interested in making.
We then brainstormed a list of materials that they might use and drew design sketches.
The next day, we reviewed our designs, talked a little about the engineer design process (mostly about frustration and perseverance) and got to work.
They really enjoyed making the brushes and while a few did go for “pretty,” most were intent on making a functional brush.
The following week, the children brought their brushes to art class to test their designs. The teacher modeled making his favorite mark, a flower-like shape.
When they returned to the classroom, they evaluated their designs and named one thing they might add or change if they were to redesign their brush. They were very thoughtful about what worked and what didn’t.
Their work was then mounted and displayed for parents to view at our school’s annual STEAM Expo. Parents enjoyed seeing their child’s work and finding out more about this project.
We even invited families to “Make Their Mark” to provide an interactive component to our exhibit.
I truly enjoyed this project and learned a TON in working together with the art teacher! How can you coordinate with one of your special area teachers to design and carry out a project?
Thanks for stopping by!

I love seeing the process your students went through for this project. Great pictures!
Thanks for sharing your joy and enthusiasm with the children in paint brush making!
Glad you liked it – hopefully it was helpful to you and your work with children!
You are so welcome – I hope it was helpful to you!
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