Exploring Open-Ended Materials
On a recent vacation, I had the pleasure of watching a 3-year old at a beach wedding. She was the flower girl and her job was to throw rose petals.
During the ceremony, she played with the sand and petals, using her foot as a tool to dig and bury and make patterns.
More Than a Worksheet
I’m a big fan of using hands-on materials in open-ended ways because they naturally provide opportunities for discovery as children use their senses to find out more about an object or conduct experiments using the practices of trial and error and cause and effect.
Can this be said of a worksheet? I don’t think so.
Materials as Provocations
The materials are chosen with purpose and intention and designed to encourage curiosity and interest while meeting learning standards.
Here ramps were placed in the block center to provoke learning about force and motion.
An Inquiry Mindset
This past June, a friend brought me an almost perfect robin’s egg. Later, she asked if I had showed it to the children.
I hadn’t.
Instead, I stored it with my “bird stuff” thinking I would share it next year in early Spring.
I realize now that if I had been teaching with an inquiry mindset, I would have used this intriguing object as a “provocation” for learning.
It was a missed opportunity that could have led to deep engagement, thinking, and learning about animal behavior and life cycles.
Take a Materials Inventory
- Which kinds of materials are children most interested in using?
- Are they able to freely explore these materials?
- How can the materials be combined or used in new ways to provoke learning and meet standards?
- Are there hands-on materials I might offer in place of a worksheet?
- How can I showcase what children are doing with the materials to teach and inspire others?