My worst, last day ever was the first year I taught kindergarten. It was half-day and my kiddos were taking a different bus home than usual because they were riding with the whole school. We made tags for the children to wear to avoid any mix-ups.
At the very last minute, my assistant realized that we had listed the wrong numbers -eeeeeeek! Busses were starting to be called and we were frantically trying to get kids on the right busses. I remember grabbing nearby adults from the hallway to help us through the chaos!
By some miracle they all found their way, but all the crazy that went down in those last minutes left me in tears about how things had ended.
I’ve since learned a few things about “last days,” to make them run more smoothly and to provide the closure that a year together deserves. Here’s a few ideas to help you as you plan your last day:
Read Alouds
- Invite children to vote on their favorite book and enjoy it one last time.
- Read the same book you read to them on the first day of school.
- Choose a special book with a goodbye message that is just right for your kiddos. Here’s my favorite!
Special Treat
Thank You Gifts
Positive Thoughts
Parting Songs
Bus Wave
Treat Yourself
Don’t forget to plan a special something for yourself on this last day once all is said and done! I usually meet friends for drinks and dinner at a favorite spot where we can be outdoors! Maybe a pedicure or massage is more up your alley! Whichever you choose, celebrate the hard work and commitment you’ve made to the children you teach!
Wishing you all the best summer ever!
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