Inside: Your kindergarten art center is a great place for young children to explore and experiment with STEAM learning. Discover multiple art projects that will help you integrate math, science, engineering, and tech.
Were you surprised when STEM became STEAM?
Probably not.
I’m sure like most preschool and kindergarten teachers you were already seeing how art ideas and activities could easily be used to explore math, science and engineering.
Look closely at the steps of the scientific method or engineering design process, and you will see that many of these same steps are used in the art center as children explore and experiment with a variety of materials.
Here are some ways I’ve used my kindergarten art center to explore math, science, engineering, and tech.
Math in the Art Center
Geometry is a natural fit for the kindergarten art center as it includes the study of two basic art elements, line and shape. Children can compare the differences between straight and curved lines and use both two and three-dimensional shapes in their compositions.
Here different kinds of lines, along with flat shapes, were used to create monsters similar to those in Ed Emberley’s, Go Away, Big Green Monster!
Snowflake art provides the opportunity to learn about balance and symmetry as children create six-sided snowflakes using pattern block pieces or loose parts.
Starting with a hexagonal center helps children learn to identify and name this shape and compare it to others with more or less sides.

3D shapes can be built with marshmallows and toothpicks or other construction materials.

Science in the Art Center

Noticing and drawing details about leaves, apples, or pumpkins help children identify and compare the characteristics and features of different plants.

As children apply different degrees of force and movement, they see how it affects the outcome of their artwork.
Creating bubble prints is a fun way to explore the science of bubbles.
Engineering in the Art Center

Technology in the Art Center
Technology can be used in the kindergarten art center to create initial designs. This child used the Geoboard App to design a maze he would eventually build with various art materials.
Or it can be used as a research tool to learn about animal body features or habitats that children want to recreate through art.
Art Center Set-up
Happy artmaking!
For more STEAM ideas, visit the Growing with STEAM page found inside the Roots & Wings Resource Library.
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